From top-tier news outlets and lifestyle magazine features to niche, yet equally as important trade publications, we research, identify and pitch carefully targeted editors, reporters and producers to make needle-moving stories happen.
Every day, we secure coverage for our clients in major media and trade outlets, broadcast TV, radio, and targeted podcasts. Though we eat announcements for breakfast, we don’t need big stories to get coverage and we don’t rely on wire services. We reach out individually to journalists and do not mass email pitch. Not our thing, and it can be detrimental to your brand and future coverage to do so. We are well versed in getting thought leadership coverage to promote your executives and brand, and don’t need exciting announcements to get these in the media. We also don’t need you to write them as we have top notch ghost-writers on staff to help upon your request. Ultimately the focus is on generating valuable results for your team and regular monthly coverage.