What are your business challenges? There’s no one-size-fits-all PR approach to solving them. Our strategies are informed by your goals and tailored to your specific needs. Depending on your urgency, we can start pitching first, and build a strategy after, but our preference whenever possible is to develop a three to six month strategy to ensure we’re properly aligned and walk through messaging, planned announcements, potential creative announcements and concepts, thought leadership articles penned by your executives (or ghost-written by our expert writers), awards, speaking opportunities and more. It’s important to properly integrate our efforts with your marketing team to ensure we’re each feeding each other content and coordinating strategy to help boost conversions and amplify your messages. We also love to do something special and create a twenty four month story arc to talk through the narratives of your company and what is coming in six month increments. It’s a powerful tool for your team and executives to align on vision and be ready to talk about it with not only journalists, but investors, venture capital firms, partners, acquirers and other stakeholders.