Product Liability Cases on the Rise: Lex Machina
insurance journal
Product liability cases are increasing, according to Lex Machina’s annual Product Liability Litigation Report, with 5,826 such cases in federal courts in 2022.
The data analyzed by Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company, shows that “product liability cases are generally increasing over recent years,” said Ron Porter, Lex Machina’s product liability legal data expert and editor of the report.
He added that “spikes and dips in cases can generally be correlated with specific large-scale litigation events, which are discussed in more detail in the report.”
The report focuses the period 2018-2022 and examines product liability trends federal and appellate courts. It looks at emerging trends in case filings, venues, judges, law firms, parties, timing metrics, case resolutions, findings, and damages.
Highlights from the report: